Other than its initial introduction, the obstrution rule has remained unchanged (except for wording and clarification purposes).
There is currently no offside rule in field hockey. There were prior offside rules, rules that restricted the positioning of players from the attacking team in a way similar to the offside rule in soccer. The offside rules were changed as the rules of field hockey changed. The evolution of the field hockey offside rule culminated with its abolition in the mid 1990s.
There are 412 dints in an official hockey ball according to the field hockey rule book.
After the Brett Hull incident... The rule changed in the summer of 1999 for the 99-00 season
Field hockey is a whole year sport in most countries; the offseason is usually the summer, when many players play the easier form of summer hockey (rule alterations include not being allowed to raise or hit the ball, playing on a halfsize field, less players, etc.).
Unlike other sports, hockey is traditionally played on a "rink" not a "field". This is actually the first rule of the USA hockey rulebook. USA Hockey regulations are 200 feet long, 85-100 feet wide. NHL is strictly 200 by 85. Olympic/International is 197 by 98.4.
In short : yes. The British gave us: * Rugby (changed by the Americans to American Football) * Hockey (changed by the Americans to Ice Hockey) * Tennis * Cricket * Football (Soccer) * Golf * Badminton * Squash * and even Baseball was invented in Surrey Rule Britannia
Yes, that is Rule 1.04(a) which reads: "Any Playing Field constructed by a professional club after June 1, 1958, shall provide a minimum distance of 325 feet from home base to the nearest fence, stand or other obstruction on the right and left field foul lines, and a minimum distance of 400 feet to the center field fence."
The offside rule is used in winter sports such as American football and ice hockey.
you don't score a hit in hockey
Unlike soccer (or football!) hockey is traditionally played on a "rink" not a "pitch". This is actually the first rule of the USA hockey rulebook. USA Hockey regulations are 200 feet long, 85-100 feet wide. NHL is strictly 200 by 85. Olympic/International is 197 by 98.4.
Since 1975 all players must hit right handed in polo. The rule was changed for rider safety. Hockey is the only game played by righthanders, but even lefthanders play hockey ,but they will have to use their right hands.