1823 when it was supposed that a certain Webb Ellis was playing football and when the ball came to him he caught it and ran to the oppositions goal line and shouted TRY, and that was how it was supposed to have been created. It became a professional sport in 1995, and will feature as 7's in 2016 Olympics.
1843 and formalised in 1871
The first concept of Web Ellis running forward carrying the ball was in 1823 - However, the actual formation of the Rugby Football Union and its first formal reglations was not until October 26th 1863 in London. England
It was originated in 1823 when the pupils were playing the then game football. In this early version of the game we now call soccer as well players could hack the legs from the ball player and at that time the players could pick up the ball - However, it was the rule of the day that the ball carrier ran back toward his team to make a pass. William Web Ellis a student of the school collected the ball and ran forward toward the oppositions goal. This concept caught on and the school played on with this rule. The game spread as pupils left and went to university, the armed forces etc and the concept of carrying the ball continued with passes being make behind the carrier as we have today. Then in 1863 the Football association was Born and they decided hacking and ball carrying were to be outlawed. There were a number of teams that were playing the original style who decide to breakaway and allow the ball carrying. By 1870 a group of clubs and universities came together to formalise the rules and set up the RFU (Rugby Football Union) The name remains today
Rugby was invented in northern England
who invented
Rugby union was :) the rugby union club i captain is the oldest rugby club in the world
why was any sport invented? to have fun and compete. also see How did rugby originate?
it was invented in 7000 b.c
It was first developed in the town of Rugby at Rugby School. Rugby is a market town in Warwickshire, in the West Midlands of England.
William Webb-Ellis is accredited withe concept in 1823 in Rugby School, Warwickshire, England
Rugby was invented by William Webb Ellis from Rugby School in England when he picked up a football and ran with it.
No, rugby was invented during a game of soccer or as i say it football.
The game concept originated at Rugby School Warwickshire, Enland in 1843