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In 1871 Dr James Naismith, a Canadian immigrant YMCA instructor in the USA, invented the game of Basketball. Another American, Dr Toles, who was visiting England in 1890, introduced basketball to that country, and although Englishmen preferred traditional sports, it was popular with the ladies.

In England in 1895, ladies using broomsticks for posts and wet paper bags for baskets played the basketball game on grass. Their long skirts, bustle backs, nipped waists and button up shoes impeded running and their leg-of-mutton sleeves restricted arm movement making dribbling and long passes difficult. The ladies decided to adapt the game to accommodate these restrictions.

An early netball game © Netball Australia

In 1898 the court was divided into thirds, the number of players increased from five to nine and a smaller ball (a soccer ball) was used. There were two umpires, two scorers and two timekeepers - almost as many officials as players for each match.

In those early days the nets were not open at both ends and after each goal was scored, the umpire had the task of retrieving the ball from the top of the post.

In England in 1901 the first set of rules was published and 'netball' officially came into existence in that country. At the turn of the century school teachers from England travelled to many countries of the then British Empire, and the game of netball or "ladies basketball" (if prior to 1901) went with them.

Once established, the game developed locally and soon each country had its own separate rules and distinct methods of play, even its own name for the game. In Australia and New Zealand where the game was established before 1901, it was called Women's Basketball and the name was changed to Netball in these two countries in 1970.

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15y ago

Netball was first known as Women's Basketball, invented in the USA in 1895 by Clara Gregory Baer.

It is believed American, Dr Toles, introduced basketball into England about the same time, and the English ladies took to the game.

In 1901, rules were drawn up in England and the game became "netball".

But it soon developed very differently for decades in the various countries that engaged the game.

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Netball actually originated from basketball

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What came first netball or basketball?

basketball. netball originated from basketball

What was a first netball?

I am guessing 'how did netball begin"... i play netball myself. it originated from basketball but they did not have backboards, just hoops. they changed a few rules and bibs

Is Netball a competitive sport?

Netball is not seen as a real sport because it is based on another sport, its brother basketball. Netball originated from basketball not that long a time ago, which is another reason why people don't regard netball as a sport. However, that way of thinking may change very soon when netball becomes more popular. Also, netball is a sport played only by girls which restricts the popularity. If netball was played by boys than it may become part of the Olympics.

What is the venue for netball?

you play netball on a netball court :)

Can you get a website with Netball?

You can go onto netball websites like netball Australia and district netball, too.

What equpment do you need for netball?

two netball posts netball pitch one netball two umpires

What year was netball made?

Netball was invented in 1892 but was called Women's Basketball not Netball.

What can you play netball on?

a netball court

Is there geometry in netball?

no geoetry in netball

What is the local body of netball?

local netball is basiclly netball played in your local area.

Similarities of netball and fast netball?

I play netball and i dnt think there is even a "fast netball". But if there is i guess it would all be the same but, faster:\

How do you spell netball in french?

Netball is not a word in french because it is not played in France. If someone were to refer to netball they would just call it "netball".