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Reference to Lifting as a technique in the line out was written to the laws in the 2009 edition of IRB Regulation 19.

Law 19 states

Lifting and supporting. Players may assist a team-mate in jumping for the ball by lifting and supporting that player providing that the lifting and/or supporting players do not support the jumping team-mate below the shorts from behind or below the thighs from the front.

In the 2008 edition of the same law stated that;

Support of a player. A player must not support a jumping team mate below the shorts from behind or below the thighs from the front.

Penalty: Penalty Kick on the 15 metre line.

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Q: When was lifting allowed in Rugby lineouts?
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This is found in Rookie rugby and in juvinile rugby - For safty and skills develiopment ; Four players from each team will make up a lineout. For the team in possession of the ball, there will be one player throwing the ball in, two players receiving the in-bound pass, and one player who will move the ball away from the lineout. The defending team will match the offensive teams four players. Players should not lift in lineouts until they have developed the necessary skills and strength. Lineouts in Rookie Rugby start as uncontested. The team that throws the ball in must be allowed to win possession of the ball. When the players reach the appropriate age and skills lvels they will then content a line out without lifting (more in line with the original line outs pre 2000.

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This is found in Rookie Rugby and in juvinile rugby - For safty and skills develiopment ; Four players from each team will make up a lineout. For the team in possession of the ball, there will be one player throwing the ball in, two players receiving the in-bound pass, and one player who will move the ball away from the lineout. The defending team will match the offensive teams four players. Players should not lift in lineouts until they have developed the necessary skills and strength. Lineouts in Rookie Rugby start as uncontested. The team that throws the ball in must be allowed to win possession of the ball. When the players reach the appropriate age and skills lvels they will then content a line out without lifting (more in line with the original line outs pre 2000.

How is touch rugby different from tackle rugby?

In Touch rugby Verses Contact here are the differences >Non-contact, removing elements such as scrums, rucks, mauls, lineouts and kicks >Tackles are replaced by touches >Touch rugby is often played informally >One common variation is that a fair touch must be below the waist >Very little equipment is required to play.

Who was the ınternatıonal rugby player of the century?

Frik Du Preez. A South African 2nd Row who is recognised internationally for his physical domination of lineouts, rucking skills and athletic presence.Barry John , Former Cardiff Wales and British Lion Outside Half said of Preez. " To see him jump in the lineout was incredible. In the days before lifting was allowed He would out jump ANY player in the world and not just tap back but catch the ball cleanly - He is in my opinion one of the greatest athletes of his time".

Are you allowed rugby legging in rugby?

can you clarify what "legging" refers to please

What are the mechanics of rugby?

In the forwards of the scrum and lineouts, the simplest way to calculate the power involved will be resolving forces (found in AS Level Physics and Further Maths), in whichever direction, the force is intended to go, will be be along a 2D plane. Lineouts will be trying to achieve greatest 'Force' times with 'sin' 'angle between lifter and lifted'. Scrums are similar, but obviously also trying to save all the power against the opposition's scrum. The angles are important. I don't think you want my pedantic knowledge so alternativley, you can look at the very appropriate book called 'Physics of Rugby'

Are robots allowed to play rugby in England?

No, unfortunately from my own experience, i know that robots, by law, are not allowed to play rugby in England. I have benn playing rugby for 10 years and yesterday i was informed that due to me being a robot, i am no longer allowed to play. My name is Ben Stollery

Are you allowed to wear face paint in rugby?

No its not allowed at this time under IRB rules. However, tattoos are allowed

How many players are allowed on the rugby field for one team at a time?

for rugby league it is 13 players and for rugby union it is 15 players