

When was Volleyball developed?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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12y ago

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in the year 1960

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1 apr 2005 in 1895 by williamg. Morgan

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What year was the volleyball developed?

The best of all years....

What year was vollyball created?


What year did volleyball start?

Volleyball history began in Holyoke, Massachusetts in 1895. The sport was developed at the YMCA by William G. Morgan. Originally it was called Mintonette, it had the net from tennis and took cues from basketball, baseball and handball.

Volleyball at the Olympics?

Yes, there is volleyball at the Olympics but it is only beach volleyball.

What is difference between Mini volleyball and volleyball?

A mini volleyball small and a volleyball is much bigger

What are the equitments in volleyball?

Kneepads,shorts,volleyball,volleyball net

Who likes to play volleyball?

volleyball players and people who like volleyball

Is a volleyball a olympic sports?

Yeah, they have regular volleyball and team volleyball.

What is another name for beach volleyball?

Sand volleyball, or outdoor volleyball

What is VSA in volleyball?

VSA in volleyball is a team. Volleyball of South Africa,or Volleyball of South Australia.That's as far as I have known...

How do you say volleyball in German?

netball = Netzball netball = Korbball

What are the two types of olympic volleyball games?

Beach volleyball with 2 people and indoor volleyball with a team of 6 on the court.