Victor Bailey - American football - was born on 1970-07-03.
Victor Cruz was born on April 12, 1978.
Victor Cruz was born in the year 1986
Victor Cruz was born in Paterson, New Jersey.
His mom is black and his father is puerto rican.
Victor Hernández Cruz was born on 1949-02-06.
Victor Cruz was born December 24, 1957, in Rancho Viejo, La Vega, D.R..
NFL receiver Victor Cruz is 31 years old (born November 11, 1986).
If you mean Victor CRUZ, then it is the 11th November 1986
There are 8 players of Puerto Rican descent to play in the American "National Football League" (NFL) None were actually born on the Island. Ron Rivera - First Puerto Rican to play in the NFL Marco Rivera - First Puerto Rican to play in the pro-bowl (American Football's all star game) Glenn Martinez Ken Amato Alvin Pearman Aaron Hernandez Victor Cruz Otis J. (O.J.) Santiago
Will Hall - American football - was born in 1980.