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The Change-Up was created on 2011-08-05.

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Related questions

Which is a more effective pitch a three finger changeup or a circle changeup?

They can both be effective pitches. Whether a pitcher can control a pitch is the key to how effective that pitch is.

Who invented the circle changeup?

bob gutangeson the pitcher for the red socks! WORD!

Which Hall of Famer threw the best changeup pitch?

Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis.

What is it called when you throw a slow pitch?

A changeup pitch is a slow pitch thrown to look like a fastball.

How do you throw a changeup?

Click on the 'Change-Up' link on this page for tips on throwing a change-up and a circle change-up.

How does CC Sabathia throw a changeup?

He grips his thumb on the side and lines up his index finger and middle finger opposite on the ball!

How do you throw a fork ball?

To thow a fork ball yo need to split your finger like a splitter and throw it like a changeup

What are all the pitches a pitcher can throw?

a curveball, slider, fastball,knuckleball,4seam fastball,changeup What about a knucklecurve, a palmball, slurve, circlechange, and a 2seamer

What pitches can Grant Balfour throw?

93 to 95 mph fastball with an 83 mph 1 to 7 curveball also a 85mph changeup

What are some pitches thrown in the MLB?

fastball curveball changeup slider are the four most common. there are different variations of each pitch but those are the basic names.

How do you throw the pitches that a Major League Baseball pitcher throws?

Click on the links under the 'Related Questions' heading at the bottom of this page for instructions on throwing the pitches an MLB pitcher throws.

What are Matt Cain's pitches?

The longest-tenured member of the San Francisco Giants primarily is a fastball pitcher, although he also is adept at using the curveball, the slider and the changeup.