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The anthem of the home team is sung second. If a US team is hosting a game, the Canadian national anthem is sung first, followed by the American anthem, and vice versa.

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Q: When the US and Canadian Anthems are sung which goes first?
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Which of these hymns sung at religious services?

anthems and chorales

Why can the national anthem not be sung under a roof?

National anthems can be and frequently are sung inside buildings, under cover and below a roof.

Why do people sing the french anthem?

Anthems are sung to honor one's native land/country.

What is an antiphonary?

An antiphonary is an alternative term for an antiphonal, a book of antiphons or anthems sung or chanted at a liturgy.

Why don't we sing all verses of our anthem?

The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.The full versions of most national anthems are quite long, so it is not always practical to sing them in full. As they are often sung at formal occasions and major events, there is usually other things to be done, so it is quicker not to have full national anthems sung. Also, many people don't know the full national anthem, just the parts that are traditionally sung.

What is an antiphone?

An antiphone is a response which one side of a choir makes to another side in an alternating or call-and-response chant.

What has the author Cavendish Weedon written?

Cavendish Weedon has written: 'The oration, anthems and poems, spoken and sung at the performance of divine musick for the entertainmentof the Lords spiritual & temporal and the ... House of Commons at Stationers-Hall, January the 31st, 1701' 'The oration, anthems and poems, spoken and sung at the performance of divine musick' -- subject(s): Music

What are Canada's two national anthems?

Canada only has one national anthem, which is called O Canada. It can be sung in both English and French.

Who wrote Kentuckys national anthem?

No state has their own anthem, but there are songs that are thought of as national anthems, because they are sung in that state so much.

What is the Japanese pledge of allegiance?

There is no real equivalent.However, there is a wealth of town, region, , national, school, etc. anthems that are sung at almost every event.

What nicknames does Eileen Sung go by?

Eileen Sung goes by Bubba.

What verb is correct sang or sung?

The verb "sang" is the past tense form, while "sung" is the past participle form. So, you would use "sang" when referring to the past action of singing, while "sung" is used when paired with another verb (e.g., have sung, had sung).