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Q: When the Buffalo Bills played four consecutive Super Bowls how many did they win?
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Who played 4 consecutive Super Bowls?

The Buffalo Bills.

What team appeared in the most consecutive super bowls?

Buffalo bills

How many appearance in Super Bowl for Buffalo Bills?

The Buffalo Bills appeared in and lost 4 consecutive Super Bowls.

As of 2006 how many Super Bowls have the Buffalo Bills won?

The Bills lost four consecutive Super Bowls from 1990-93.

What team has lost the most consecutive super bowls?

Buffalo Bills (4).

Which nfl franchise lost 4 consecutive Super Bowls?

The Buffalo Bills

What NFL team appeard in four consecutive Super Bowls?

The Buffalo Bills in Super Bowls XXV through XXVIII.

Who is the only coach to lose 4 consecutive Super Bowls?

Marv Levy of the Buffalo Bills

Which team played in the Super Bowl 4 consecutive years?

The Buffalo Bills, who lost their appearances in Super Bowls XXV, XXVI, XXVII and XXVIII.

What NFL team won four consecutive Super Bowls?

The Buffalo Bills are the only team to appear in four consecutive Super Bowls (losing all of them). Dallas and Pittsburgh (and New England after February 1, 2015) have the most appearances (8) followed by Denver (7) and San Francisco (6). The NYG, Green Bay, Washington, Oakland and Miami have 5 each, while Minnesota and Indianapolis round out the group of teams that have appeared 4 or more times.

How many super bowls Buffalo Bills played?

They played 4 consecutive and lost all of them. They had a chance to win the first one on a missed field goal opportunity by Scott Norwood.

Who was the only coach to lose four consecutive super bowls?

Marv Levy of the Buffalo Bills (Super Bowls XXV,XXVI, XXVII, and XXVIII).