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Q: When scanning in an orderly pattern you search front back left right and?
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You will need to search the left-front, front, and right-front zones to be certain that they are open.

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Fine-Line Printing Patterns: This type of line structure appears normal to the eye but is difficult for copying and scanning equipment to resolve properly. The lines are found behind the portrait on the front and around the building on the back. (:

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Dogs do have long sharp front teeth and you might search Nat Geo

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Front Row Center - 1955 Search for a Stranger 2-12 was released on: USA: 25 March 1956

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Did the bullet that shot JFK go from front to back or back to front?

There was 2 or more shooters search the the "day the dream died" on youtube

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An occluded front on a weather map is shown as a purple line with alternating triangles and semicircles on one side facing the direction of movement. This front occurs when a faster moving cold front catches up to a slower moving warm front, causing the warm air to be pushed aloft. It typically brings a mix of precipitation and cloudy weather.

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