In one day international cricket recently, 3 power plays have been reduced to2 powerplays in which first 10 overs are mandatory powerplay and from 36 to 40 overs are batting powerplay which can be taken by the batting team for any 5 overs bofre 40th over and if they didn't take batting powerplay till 35th over means then, from 36 to 40 overs will be compulsarily batting powerplay.
Latest changes in rules of cricket include UDRS decision,Super Over when the match ties,Powerplay overs,etc.
Powerplay is a rule in which the only 2 or 3 fielders can should be outside the 30 yard circle.....This is an advantage for the batsmen to score quick runs. There are 3 powerplays in one day cricket,the first one is commpulsory for the first ten overs, and the 2nd and the 3rd powerplays are 5 overs each.....T20 cricket one compulsory powerplay for the first six overs........
Latest changes in rules of cricket include UDRS decision,Super Over when the match ties,Powerplay overs,etc.
Batting Powerplay in Cricket means there are only 2 fielders outside the 30 yard circle.Bowling powerplay means there are only 3 or less fielders in the 30 yard circle for preventing fours.
cricket attax powerplay card is used to increase the points of the player by 5 like i have sachin with 90 batting and 14 bowling the power play card of mumbai indias only because sachin belongs to mumbai indians will increase its bat and bowl batting will be 95 and bowling will be 19
During the first powerplay 9 fielders; including the wicket-keeper and bowler are mandatory to be placed inside the circle. 2 of the 9 fielders must be at the close catching position. During 2nd and 3rd powerplay one fielder can be spared from inside to outside the circle.
During a Powerplay in an ODI, only 3 or 2(in the compulsory Powerplay) players can field outside the 30-yard circle. There are in all 3 Powerplays. The first one is the compulsory one from 1-10 overs. And the other two Powerplays can be taken between the 16-40 overs. One Powerplay is the bowling Powerplay. That is the bowling side decides when to take it. And the other is the batting Powerplay which is decided by the batting side as to when will it be taken.
PP stands for PowerPlay - which gives a slight advantage to the batting team with the fielding side limited to Two players outside the inner circle.
NO. Cricket was never introduced in Olympics. Though, it was introduced in Commonwealth games held in 1997 in Malaysia.
The people of England introduced cricket in the 1770s.The shepherds used to play this game with the stick they used to take their sheeps for grazing.