The heads are not slightly elevated as compared to the feet, but people are buried above ground.
Having slightly elevated blood pressure isn't always a bad thing. It's when blood pressure is too high that it causes issues. There are many healthy people who have slightly higher blood pressure.
Thirty people were slightly injured when the elevated tram was dislodged from the cable last night. Let's not take the tram! Does the tram have a bar?
they get buried alive by ding alive and getting buried in the pyramids
Many people feel that New Orleans is haunted.
A person is buried in a grave in the cemetry, after a burial service.
Egyptians, when buried, are buried in graves much the same as other people.
There are 3000+ people buried in Westminster Abbey.
There are people from the Titanic Buried at Mountain View in Vancouver and lots in Halifax.
I buried them in my toe jam.
formal dignified language to persuade people
People who wear New Orleans Saints clothing are usually fans of the National Football league team. Fans of the New Orleans Saints tend to live in or near New Orleans.
Not for all people?