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Q: When meeting the receiving agency point of contact the TERT team leader should discuss?
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Contact a local adoption agency. They can arrange prospective adoptive parents and meeting to discuss the options you have regarding the idea.

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Contact a adoption agency. They can arrange prospective adoptive parents and meeting to discuss the options you have regarding the idea.

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Contact a local adoption agency. They can arrange prospective adoptive parents and meeting to discuss the options you have regarding the idea.

How will children get support from father receiving cash dividends from bank?

I suggest you contact your State's child support agency about this.

Where can one find information about moving from benefits to employment?

It depends on the type of benefits you are receiving. If you are receiving unemployment benefits then you could contact your local unemployment agency to find out about employment. If you are getting SSI/SSD then you would have to contact your local SSI department.

Will child support agency make contact if a private agreement is in place?

Yes, if the custodial parent requests services or if the child is receiving public assistance. The agency will likely ask the court to enter an order.

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This is something that you will have to look up locally.

Can you get help you are on medicaid and social security disability?

Yes, contact your local Social Security office or other social service agency to discuss how to get the help you need.

If the noncustodial parent is receiving unemployment in Alabama and he owes child support in Florida will they automatically hold child support?

It's not automatic. I suggest that you contact your State's child support agency.

How do you get a Medicaid provider number?

Contact the provider services section of your State's Medicaid agency.

Who is responsible for funding the shipping of excess equipment?

The receiving agency.

I lived in Wisconsin and was receiving state assistance and child support. I moved to Missouri how do I end child support in Wisconsin and start getting it in Missouri?

Contact the MO child support agency for your county.