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A 16 yard hit is a type of free hit, awarded to the defense, when the ball goes wholly over the backline (but a goal is not awarded) and the attacking team was the last to touch it in any way. It is taken in line with where the ball crossed the backline, up to 14.63 metres from the backline.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

A 16 yd hit is award to the defence side when the ball goes completely over the back line, having last been played by or touched the stick or person of the attacking side, and no goal has been scored.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

t is when it goes out

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βˆ™ 12y ago


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Q: When is a 16 yard hit awarded in field hockey?
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When is a push in awarded in field hockey?

Whenever the ball leaves the sides of the pitch. If the ball leaves the ends of the pitch it will either be a 16 yard hit or a long corner.

Are long hits and long corners the same thing in field hockey?

it is awarded when the defense hit it out over there own end line

Which direction should field hockey umpires point when awarding eg a free hit?

An umpire should point in the direction that the team is going that has been awarded the free hit.

What is the 5 instances whena free hit awarded in hokey?

A free hit is never allowed in hockey.

In which sports do we have corners?

a short corner is taken on the back line in the D and has too be hit out of the D before it can be shot at goal, a long corner is taken from the sideline and has to move 5 metres before its hit into the D

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between pus pass and full hit. result chip hit

How do score in field hockey UK?

you hit the heavy ball in the goal

If the ball is hit by the attacking team and crosses over the goal line in field hockey but it is not a goal how is play restarted?

Play is restarted in the same way as whenever an attacker plays the ball over the backline: with a 16 yard hit, in front of the goal.

How do you restart in field hockey after a goal?

you go to the center of the field and put the ball there and then you hit each others sticks 2 times and the off you go!

Is field hockey a summer game in NSW?

Field hockey is a whole year sport in most countries; the offseason is usually the summer, when many players play the easier form of summer hockey (rule alterations include not being allowed to raise or hit the ball, playing on a halfsize field, less players, etc.).

When was a roll-in last permitted in field hockey?

The roll-in was replaced by a free hit from the line in the 1970 revision of the rules.

Will a free hit be awarded if you interfere with another player's stick in hockey?

Yes, if that is the severest penalty available. Interfering with another player or their equipment is an offence under the rules.