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Yes but there are exceptions. You're only allowed to move after a team scores. If it is a dead ball, then the referee tells you where to inbound the ball and that's the only spot you can inbound the ball.

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Q: When in bounding a basketball can you move your feet at all?
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Are you allowed to pump fake then move in basketball?

it all depends if moved both feet and if you dribbled before. if not then yes.

Basketball hoop hight?

basketball hoops are almost always 10 feet (3 meters) off the ground.

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Free throw line in pro basketball?

Same as all leagues, 12 feet.

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they use feet 2 move and that is all they use

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The regulation size for basketball nets are all the same at ten feet. The regulation for high school, college, and the NBA/WNBA use nets that are ten feet high.

How many feet do you need to establish in bounds in basketball?

As with all sports, it is important to understand the boundaries on a basketball court. A player only needs one foot to establish in bounds in basketball.

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A BVH is a bounding volume hierarchy, a tree structure on a set of geometric objects, in which all geometric objects are wrapped in bounding volumes which form the leaf nodes of the tree.

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The Little Tikes basketball hoop has an adjustable back the can make the hoop two feet five inches, all the way to four feet depending on how tall the child is.

How far is the basketball goal from the foul line for a Junior High student?

Fifteen feet for all.

What is the height of basketball goal at the Philippines Basketball Association league?

First of all, it's NBA (National, not Professional) Second, 10 feet.

How do mouse move?

mouse lemurs move with all four feet on the ground they get around like and dog or a cat they can also use two feet if they wanted to but they mostly move with all four feet on the ground