i don't think its coming out. the game releases this up coming Tuesday. and last year the demo came out February 21 when the game was released on march 8th. if it comes out it would be this Saturday or Sunday but don't count on it coming out. i know it sucks because i want to play it bad.
For one thing the game will not be available until it is released next Tuesday on March 6, 2012.
It is only coming out on PS3 and Vita.
Next year in March 2013 MLB 11 The Show was released March 8, 2011 and MLB 12 The Show was released March 6, 2012
it come out on november 23rd
at the WWE PPV Survivor Series (2011) That's When WWE'12 Will Come Out
around the week of august 23
you cant
U dont
he is in BALITMORE
No PS3 and PS Vita
Chris Hansen