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AFL Premiership 2007 was the last edition of the Premiership Edition. There was no AFL game for 2008, although there is a game on PSP called AFL Challenge. The game is based on the 2009 Season.

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Q: When does afl premiership 2009 come out?
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When does afl premiership 2008 come out?

yes there will be one in augest 30th 2009

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Who won the 2009 AFL premiership?

Geelong cats

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Is there a AFL on PS3?

There is, its called AFL premiership 2011

Where can you find AFL premiership 2009?

Internet information on the event can be found at Wikipedia's own site:2009 AFL Grand Final - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAlso, a Google search under "2009 AFL premiers' will yield plenty of information to go by.

What year did collingwood win there first premiership?

Collingwood won the VFA premiership in 1896. It's first VFL/AFL premiership was in 1902.

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Who won the 2003 AFL Premiership?

Brisbane Lions. It was their third straight premiership.

When will afl premiership 08 be released?

Premiership Coach now has an official release date - June 30th 2009