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right after the player has commited his last foul he gets subbed out and there team has 20 secs to bring in a sub for them

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Q: When do you replace a player who has fouled out when the opposing team is shooting two free throws?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a shooting foul and a non shooting foul?

a shooting foul is when the player with the ball is fouled while in a shooting motion (jumpshot, dunk, layup, alleyoop, etc.) and a non shooting foul is when a player is fouled while not in a shooting motion (running, passing, off-ball, etc.)

In half court basketball what happens when the guard is fouled?

The player who fouled the guard get one personal foul. If the guard is in the act of shooting and misses the guard gets 2 or 3 foul shoots. If the guard makes the shot and gets fouled the guard gets 1 fouls shot. If the guard is not in the act oh shooting then his team inbounds the ball. If the opposing team is in the bonus then the guard shoots one free throw. If the opposing team is in the double bonus then the guard shoots 2 free throws.

When is a free throw in basketball?

A free throw usually occurs when any player is fouled by a player of the opposing team.

If a player gets fouled when shooting and the ball up by the rim there is offensive goal tending will the player that got fouled get foul shots?

yes they will because the players will not play through the foul....when the ref blows the whistle for the foul action stops

A player has four fouls and is fouled in the act of shooting and then commits a technical foul can he shoot the foul shot?

No the player can not.

What is foul shot?

A foul shot is a shot that a player is granted if he/she is fouled while shooting the ball. It is shot from the freethrow line. If the player made his/her shot, then they get one, if he/she missed they get two, and if they are fouled while shooting a three-pointer, they get three freethrows, or foul shots

What is 1 PH on a F?

1 PH on a F typically refers to a penalty kick in soccer (football). It occurs when a player is fouled inside the penalty box by an opposing player, resulting in the awarding of a penalty kick to the fouled team.

When keeping stats for a basketball player would it be considered a missed field goal if a player is fouled in the act of shooting and miss the shoot attempt?

No. But if they make the shot while being fouled, that does count as a made shot. IF YOU ARE BLACK YOU SHOULD NO THIS

How does a foul shot routine affect your shot?

A foul shot is a shot that a player is granted if he/she is fouled while shooting the ball

If a player is dribbling the ball and gets fouled then he commits a technical foul what happens?

The opposing team shoots the technical foul free throw, then the player does whatever he would have done after he was fouled - either inbound the ball, or if the opposing team is in the penalty, shoot two free throws. Committing a technical foul does not nullify or offset the original foul.

What happens if a foul is committed on a non-shooting player?

Then there would just be a personal foul and the team that got fouled would keep possession.

When a person is fouled while shooting in basketball do they get one free throw if the shot is missed?

Not always. Under HS Federation, NCAA, and NBA rules in order for a (non-shooting) fouled player to shoot free throws the offended team must be in "the bonus". "The bonus" is the number of fouls committed by the opposing team beyond which the ball is put into play by the fouled player attempting free throws rather than getting the ball out of bounds for a throw-in. The number of team fouls required to reach "the bonus" varies by sanctioning body but the principle remains the same. Hope this answers your question.