It wasn't invented it was founded silly... but it originated from the a.f.l. The american football league. in 1920 first team was the San Francisco 49 .they played college teams in playoffs,only them.and their whole team was Negroes so it made them special to the a.f.l and soon after more teams came to the a.f.l, too many to for one league. So they put some teams into the n.f.l.and some in the a.f.l and now american football league is now arena football league. enjoy the knowledge!!
It was started in 1920, in Canton Ohio. That's why that's where NFL the hall of fame is located.
Not an official one, but women's pro football leagues exist around the country.
NFL is an American football abbreviation. "NFL" stands for "National Football League". National because the league is played across the nation; Football because the game played is referred to as "football" (It is known as "football" in America. Many countries refer to it a "soccer".); League because this national game is played with multiple teams in many places at different times, etc. (unapproved definition of "league").
The American Football League does not exist any more. What used to be the AFL merged into the National Football League and is now known as the American Football Conference. Regardless, there are 4 downs in which to gain 10 yards.
0. NFL didnt exist. until the 1960's.
You can find it at the National Football League website @
National Indoor Football League ended in 2008.
National Indoor Football League was created in 2001.
Newman National Football League was created in 1972.
National Football League was created on 1920-08-20.
Fortescue National Football League was created in 1956.
The National Football League was founded in 1920 under the name American Professional Football Association. The name was changed to National Football League in 1922.
National Football League Players Association was created in 1956.