as soon as he learned how to read and write, which is never.
hee jusxx lykee t2 ply so dhatsx wat hee didd
His first season was 2003.
What made him play basketball is that how poor his family used to be and how he saw the boys around the town play basketball. He was an intelligent boy, wich made him study basketball and love it :)Love: Maria Brooke :)Ps: I love LeBron james-Clevaland all the way in 2009/2010 NBA :)
he rocks
LeBron James first started playing basketball at the the age of 3 he played for the Duke Blue Devils averaging 69 points per game with 34 dunks in one game a career high the dunk was a 720 vertical flip dunk. The attendence for the game was 69,000 people and Justin Bieber was in attendence singing Baby the fans were booing but who were that booing Bieber or the traitor James??
He didn't start to like basketball until Middle School, as a kid he loved baseball, and he LOVED the Cincinnati Reds.
in his high school years. in the nba he started in his twenties
Lebron james
becauase he loves basketball!!
his three brothers