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Q: When did baseball go to a 4 day all star break?
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What day is the baseball All-Star game?

The 2007 MLB All Star game will be played July 10 in San Francisco.

2 days of year without sports?

It's the day before and the day after professional baseball's All-Star game.

In the US what is the only day of the year on which there are no regularly scheduled professional sporting events?

there are two...the day before and after the baseball all-star game

What are the 2 days during a year on which there are no professional football baseball basketball or hockey games?

This usually happens the day before and the day after Major League Baseball's All-Star Game.

What is Star Trek day?

it is a day where all of us trekkies celebrate the debuting of Star Trek: TOS and all other forms of it.

Is baseball summer or spring?

Yes Ok - sarcasm aside, Baseball is played in the Spring, Summer, and into the fall. Opening day is in April (in the spring). The All-Star break, which is mid-season is in July (mid-summer) and the MLB World-Series is known as "the Fall Classic". As long as weather permits, baseball can be played in any season and there are actually Winter leagues that play in warmer climes during the winter.

Is baseball in summer or spring?

Yes Ok - sarcasm aside, baseball is played in the Spring, Summer, and into the fall. Opening day is in April (in the spring). The All-Star break, which is mid-season is in July (mid-summer) and the MLB World-Series is known as "the Fall Classic". As long as weather permits, baseball can be played in any season and there are actually Winter leagues that play in warmer climes during the winter.

On what days of the year are there no televised sports events?


When does Thanksgiving break starts on middle school?

Usually Thanksgiving break for all schools is at least the day before, day of and day after. In other words 5 day weekend.

Is George Steinbrenner deceased?

Yes. 80 year old George Steinbrenner died from a heart attack on the same day as the Baseball All Star Game. RIP.

What day of the week was July 13 1969?

July 13, 1965 36th All Star Baseball Game: NL wins 6-5 at Metropolitan Stadium, MinnJuly 13, 1965 All star MVP: Juan Marichal (SF Giant)

What is the name of a contest where baseball players try to hit as many home runs as they can?

Its called the Home Run Derby and is played in July the day before the All Star game.