Shane Williams usually wears 11 on Wales duty.
Shane Williams
Welsh rugby player Shane Williams is 40 years old (birthdate: February 26, 1977).
Shane Williams plays on a weekly basis except when injury leave of international rest
Shane Williams is a well known rugby player in the UK. He has played for many years for the Ospreys and also for the Welsh National Team. Shane Williams is Wales' most capped winger.
Shane Williams
Shane Williams has won numerous awards throughout his rugby career, including the title of World Rugby Player of the Year in 2008. He has also been a nominee for the IRB International Player of the Year multiple times. Williams has received various accolades and honors for his exceptional contributions to the sport of rugby.
Shane Williams Wales and Ospreys winger
He has his first cap against France 1999 and retirered from international rugby in 2012 - 13 years
Shane O'Connor - rugby union - was born in 1983.
If you are talking earning money, Tom Daley earns £500,000 dollars a year while Shane Williams earns £7,500 a year. So that would make Tom Daley more famous than Shane Williams.