SAR Records was created in 1961.
Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights ended in 2007.
The End Records was created in 1998.
Sokhan Sar goes by Kevin Sar.
The population of Sar Tappeh - Sar Tappeh-ye Sofla - is 54.
You can get information about RAV4 2016 price from the company website. It has the entire list. The price of the basic car is SAR 79,900 and goes up to SAR 99,900 for the high end model.
Sokhan Sar's birth name is Sar, Sokhan, Kevin.
Yeliz Sar's birth name is Lara Yeliz Sar.
West End Records was created in 1976.
Mile End Records was created in 2005.
No Records ended in 2004.
Do It Records ended in 1984.