It was Sean Taylor not Shawn Springs who died in 2007 from gunshot wounds......
Sean Cameron does not die on Degrassi.
How did Sean Flynn die
Chuck Hughes. He is, to date, the only NFL player to die on the field during a game. Thomas Herrion died shortly after a game in 2009, in the lockers, but not actually on the field.
steve young the football player didnt die but left the nfl because of a concussion
No, Jay Sean did not die. He is still alive as of 2011.
Sean Mcgee did not die
The NFL player will be unconscious and later on after retirement he will probably die because of all of the hits he was given during his football career.
Sean Mayes died in 1995.
Sean Liddy died in 1965.
Sean Mackey died in 1997.
Sean Parlaman died in 2002.
Sean A. Moore died in 1988.