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Q: When did Mike Conway play lacrosse for Duke?
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What college did NBA player Mike Dunleavy play for?

NBA player Mike Dunleavy played for Duke.

What did they use to play lacrosse?

To play girls lacrosse, you need lacrosse goggles,a girl's lacrosse stick, and a mouthguard.

How do you play division 2 lacrosse?

With a lacrosse stick and a lacrosse ball

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What do lacrosse players play with?

a lacrosse stick.

Should women be allowe to play mens lacrosse?

No that is what Women's lacrosse is for as a 5 year lacrosse player I do not suggest women play men's lacrosse. it's called men's lacrosse for a reason. Women's lacrosse isn't for men neither should men's be for women. Lacrosse is an extremely dangerous sport women should play with women.

What is the importance of lacrosse?

lacrosse is the best sport ever and it takes a real guy to play it. lacrosse is the best sport ever and it takes a real guy to play it.

What is a origin of lacrosse?

The Native Americans were the first to play the sport of lacrosse.

What NFL team does Gannon Conway play for?

Gannon Conway plays for the Indianapolis Colts.

What do algonquian play?


Why do kids not play lacrosse?

They do.

When was lax started?

Lacrosse was started by the native americans. It was created to train warriors for battle and settle tribal disputes. It was then discovered by the french or the british who then called it lacrosse because the stick that was used to play the game resembled the cross (kinda like a staff like thing) that the duke carried.