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she is still alive

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Q: When did Michael Jordans mom die?
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Did Michael jordans mom die?

She died because everyone needs to die eventually.

Why did Michael Jordans mom die?

She died because everyone needs to die eventually.

Michael jordans mom name and what hoseital?


Why did Michael jordans dad die?

He was killed in a car-jacking incident.

Who is in Michael Jordans family?

his family is stupid and they have sex alot

Did Michael jordans mom used to put him in front of a tv and turn on a game?

no because she didnt want him to be like his dad

Who was Michael jordans wife?

Michael Jordans wife was julia juanita. Juanita Vanoy but they are divorced.

Was Michael jordans mom a stay at home mom?

yes and no she keeped on losing her job that is really sad she losered her job so many times i feel bad for her

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Is Michael mom and dad die?

Michael Phelps Mom: Alive Dad: Alive

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