October 25, 2004
can I receive a grant to start up a vineyard in Alexandria, Mn
The collective noun swarm is used for:a swarm of antsa swarm of beesa swarm of butterfliesa swarm of cockroachesa swarm of cootsa swarm of dragon fisha swarm of dronesa swarm of earthquakesa swarm of eelsa swarm of fliesa swarm of gnatsa swarm of grasshoppersa swarm of hornetsa swarm of insectsa swarm of locustsa swarm of mosquitosa swarm of ratsa swarm of suitorsa swarm of sycophantsa swarm of termites
The noun 'swarm' is a singular, common, concrete noun.The noun 'swarm is also a standard collective noun for:a swarm of antsa swarm of beesa swarm of butterfliesa swarm of cockroachesa swarm of cootsa swarm of dragon fisha swarm of dronesa swarm of earthquakesa swarm of eelsa swarm of fliesa swarm of gnatsa swarm of grasshoppersa swarm of hornetsa swarm of insectsa swarm of locustsa swarm of mosquitoesa swarm of ratsa swarm of suitorsa swarm of sycophantsa swarm of termites
The noun swarm is a singular, common, concrete noun, a word for a group of people or creatures; a word for a thing.The noun swarm also functions as a collective noun for:a swarm of antsa swarm of beesa swarm of butterfliesa swarm of cockroachesa swarm of dragonfisha swarm of dronesa swarm of eela swarm of fliesa swarm of gnatsa swarm of grasshoppersa swarm of insectsa swarm of locustsa swarm of mosquitoesa swarm of ratsa swarm of suitorsa swarm of sycophantsa swarm of termitesa swarm of touristsThe word 'swarm' is also a verb: swarm, swarms, swarming, swarmed.
Some examples of things in MN that start with the letter "E" are the city of Ely, the Eagan Community Center, and the MN State Fair exhibit called "Eco Experience".
The noun swarm is a singular, common, concrete noun, a word for a group of people or creatures; a word for a thing.The noun swarm also functions as a collective noun for:a swarm of antsa swarm of beesa swarm of butterfliesa swarm of cockroachesa swarm of dragonfisha swarm of dronesa swarm of eela swarm of fliesa swarm of gnatsa swarm of grasshoppersa swarm of insectsa swarm of locustsa swarm of mosquitoesa swarm of ratsa swarm of suitorsa swarm of sycophantsa swarm of termitesa swarm of touristsThe word 'swarm' is also a verb: swarm, swarms, swarming, swarmed.
Examen = swarm, as in a swarm of bees Fervere = To swarm, as a verb.
The collective noun for swans is a "flock." So, next time you see a group of those graceful creatures, you can impress your friends by saying, "Look at that flock of swans!" Just don't try to join them for a swim unless you want to be hissed at and chased away.
A swarm.
Zimmerman, MN