He went into the NBA out of high school in 96 as the 13th pick
Kobe Bryant did not go to college. He went straight from Lower Merion High School (Ardmore, PA) to the NBA.
Lower Merion High School in Philadelphia, PA
Bala Cynwyd Middle School
Lower Merion High School in Ardmore, Pennsylvania
He didn't go to college. He got drafted from high school
No. Kobe Bryant was taken in the 1996 NBA draft after completing high school at Lower Merion High School in Ardmore, Pennsylvania.
Lower Merion
Lower Merion
He didn't go to college since he was drafted to the NBA straight from high school.
Basketball HistoryMoses Malone was the first male player to go straight from high school into the NBA. That is a wrong answer!!!! Darrell Dawkins was the first person to enter the NBA from High School!!Moses Malone was the first person to go from high school to the ABA!!___________________________________________________________Actually, Reggie Harding was the first player to go from high school to the NBA. Reggie was drafted in 1962 by the Detroit Pistons. In 1962 "Chocolate Thunder" was 5 years old and Moses Malone was 7 years old.Reggie Harding was supposed to be the first player to go from high school to the NBA but when he was drafted the NBA rules was that you must wait until one year after you high school class graduated so Reggie had to play Minor Basketball League. Darryl Dawkins was the first person to enter the NBA from High School. Darryl was drafted in the 1975 draft. He was 18 years old.
He did not go.