James Stewart - basketball - was born in 1910.
There are several celebrities with the name James Stewart.James Stewart, the English footballer, died on 23rd May, 1957.James Stewart, the Canadian Basketball player, died on August 12th, 1990.James Stewart, the American actor, died on July 2nd, 1997.The following James Stewart's are alive and well at this time:James Stewart, the Australian actor.James Stewart, the Australian rower.James Stewart, the American footballer.James Stewart, Jr., the American Motocross racer.
James Stewart - bishop - died in 1466.
James Stewart - minister - died in 1990.
James Wallace Stewart died in 2006.
James Augustus Stewart died in 1879.
James F. Stewart died in 1904.
James Mor Stewart died in 1429.
James Haldane Stewart died in 1854.
James Stewart - North Carolina - died in 1821.
James Alexander Stewart-Mackenzie died in 1843.
James Stewart - Greenock MP - died in 1895.