I belive it was 1992 and the NFL adopted it from the USFL of the 80s.
You play the game
yes it is.
In college, you can do that. In the NFL, the play is dead when the ball is intercepted. Using NCAA RULES. if the interceptor runs backward into the endzone and is tackled was is the outcome? Is it a safety? is it a touchback for the interceptors team? Is the play dead? Please answer?
1 point or 2 piontsAnother answer:"1" is the only "impossible" score in the NFL. Any other point total from 2 (safety) and up is possible.
play through to that part of the game. you have to get to that point in the campain before you can start off there. DUMB
2 point conversion
The NFL began allowing 2-point-conversion attempts in 1994.
2 teams