The captain can ask for a new ball after 80 overs of using the old one.
No.Apart from changes of innings, the "new ball rule" only applies to Test cricket, which is always international.'s not mandatory.the rule is a team should bowl a minimum of 80 overs with a single ball comprising of both the innings.
by bowling a new ball in dream,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Composite (plastic) cricket balls do not perform in the same way as leather balls. Within the game of cricket it is important for both swing bowling and spin bowling that the surface of the ball can wear down during play so that one side can be shined and the other side left rough. This would not be as easily achieved with a plastic ball. Needless to say that a new ball is used at the start of each game, and for longer professional games the fielding captain may ask for a new ball after a set period of overs of use of the ball, e.g. 90 overs in test cricket. At the start of a game therefore the leather ball will be hard, shiny on both sides, and come off the wicket and the bat quicker. As the game progresses the ball will change in shape and become softer and rougher. if the ball goes too far out of shape a replacement ball of a similar surface condition may be requested.
3000 runs and 3oo wickets in test cricket
Brendon Kuruppu of Sri Lanka scored the slowest double century of Test Cricket in 2009 against New Zealand on 548 balls in 777 minutes.
new zealand cricket player
Chris Martin of New Zealand - 6 pairs.
The first wicket in Test cricket was bowled by English cricketer Allen Hill against Australia on March 15, 1877. The victim was Nat Thomson, whose two Test appearances came nineteen seasons after his debut in first-class cricket for New South Wales.
26 by New Zealand v England 1955
martin crowe from new zealand