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The coach can can call a timeout anytime when the ball is not in play. He/She only has two timeouts per game, though.

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Q: When can a team request a time out volleyball?
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Is there a limited time to a volleyball match?

There is no limited time in a volleyball match. there is just a certain score the team has to get to finish and win the match.

In volleyball how many team players on the court at one time?

in indoor volleyball there is 12 players on the court at any time. 6 players on each beach volleyball there is 2 players on each team and therefor 4 players on the coart.

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There can be anywhere from 6 to 15 people on a volleyball team. It really depends. There are only 6 that play on the court at one time though.

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How many players sre on the volleyball team?

There can be anywhere from 9 to 15 people on a volleyball team. It really depends. There are only 6 that play on the court at one time though.

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How many players are there in volleyball?

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Is a volleyball a olympic sports?

Yeah, they have regular volleyball and team volleyball.

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