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Q: When asked what are your career goals by an employer what should you say?
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Outline career goals?

When outlining your career goals, you should be brief since that is what an outline usually is. You should discuss a few career goals and what you are doing to attain those goals.

What is your Career Objectives?

During interviews, you are often asked about your career objective and not your career objection. Your answer should include something about the company that you are interviewing for and achieving success. They use this type of question to see how long you plan to stay with a company.

What goals do your in your career?

People should make goals in their professional life. Some career goals may be to get a promotion or raise, or to get their own office.

What goals have you in your career?

People should make goals in their professional life. Some career goals may be to get a promotion or raise, or to get their own office.

Why is it important that an employer ensure that employees set personal and career goals?

so that the emoployer will know their worker what they can do and achieve from the company

What are your long term goals?

When you are asked this question on an application you need to give specific examples to demonstrate you are interested in moving your career forward. You should focus on goals within the first 12 months, so that reviewers understand you initial approach.

Sample letter of career goals?

A sample letter of career goals should include the steps you are going to take to reach your goal. You should also include what your end result will be as well.

Describe your career goals for the next two years?

Career goals are often thought about and planned out for the next few years ahead. It may be easy to describe where you want to be in two years if you are asked this in an interview if you have thought this out prior.

What are your career expectations?

You should focus on your personal career goals and objectives when answering this question. Knowing what you want out of a career will help you decide if the position for which you are applying is a good fit for you.

What career goals have you set yourself and why?

You should have an idea of where you would like for your career path to take you. Interviewers want to know if your goals align with the position for which you are applying.

What goals do you have in your career?

People should make goals in their professional life. Some career goals may be to get a promotion or raise, or to get their own office.

How do you see you future with company?

When you are asked how you see your future with the company, you are simply being asked to state your goals. You should mention progressive and objective goals in relation to the company.