I started playing for my college when I was 17, but I was the youngest the team had ever had.
Usually you'll find that for universities and colleges, insurance is the biggest factor. I wasn't covered by the colleges insurance until I turned 18, and so I wasn't supposed to be allowed play.
No, your never too old to start playing a instument! You could be good by 30!
it's never too old to start drumming :) just start whenever it feels right and you want to start playing
not if you set your mind to what you belive in
of course! its never too late to start playing an instrument.
No way dude. I'm 37 and I'm just getting ready for Med School. It's NEVER too late!
no 17 is NOT too old to be dancing.
Rugby is available to many different ages. I started rugby when i was 5 in the under 7 team. I was a little too young so had to repeat a year when it got to contact. I played with the boys till i was in under 13's but then unfortunately i had to moved to girls rugby because you are not allowed mixed rugby after this. I am now 14 playing in a girls team at under 15's. I have got into county regional and divisional and i am now in the top 110 rugby playing girls for my age. I wanted to tell you about this because many people are very surprised that, along with the boys and men's team, there is also girls playing too. if you are a girl and want to get involved, how about you go down to your local team or team's nearby and check out if there is a girls team too. Thanks x
No! You are never too old to learn!
Start playing and you will find out soon. And you will get addicted too.