Jim Bunning was born on October 23, 1931.
Jim Bunning was born on October 23, 1931.
Jim Bunning is 6 feet 3 inches tall. He weighs 190 pounds. He bats right and throws right.
Jim Bunning
Jim Bunning
Jim Bunning debuted on July 20, 1955, playing for the Detroit Tigers at Briggs Stadium; he played his final game on September 3, 1971, playing for the Philadelphia Phillies at Veterans Stadium.
Jim Bunning's birth name is James Paul David Bunning.
Jim Bunning is famous for two reasons; firstly, for his baseball career in the 1950s, and secondly, for his later political career. He served as the Kentucky senator for 12 years until 2011.
Jim Bowie was born February 17, 1965.
Jim Halpin was born October 4, 1863.
Jim Foran was born ? , 1848, in NY, USA.
Jim Bunning, currently (2009) a U.S. Senator from the state of Kentucky.