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Momentum is a function of both mass and speed. The wrecking ball isn't moving very fast, but it is extremely heavy; that is where its momentum comes from.

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Q: When a wrecking ball hits a wall it is not moving fast How can it have enough momentum to knock down a wall?
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How can a wrecking ball move so slow and knock down walls?

A wrecking ball's momentum and weight provide the force needed to knock down walls, even when moving slowly. The ball's size and material composition also play a crucial role in its ability to penetrate and break through structures. By harnessing gravity and controlled movements, operators can use a wrecking ball to demolish buildings effectively at a slower pace.

Is it possible that have the different mass always have the same momentum?

Not always, but they do have the same momentum when the product of the mass and speed of each is the same number. So a larger mass can have the same momentum as a smaller mass if it's moving faster. Simple example: A rifle bullet can knock a large animal down.

How do you defeat the guy with the chainsaw on twisted thicket?

Use your super strength to knock over the crane. Then fly and press the lever to drop the wrecking ball. Use super speed to get to the dump truck. Then use super strength to throw the wrecking ball at the chainsaw guy.

What are the metal balls that knock against each other called?

Those are called Newton's cradle. It is a device that demonstrates conservation of momentum and energy.

How do you complete Angry Birds level 1 - 11?

Shoot the red bird directly towards the highest wooden plank on the left tower. This will create enough momentum to knock half the tower off and knock off every pig. You should get 3 stars that way.

Why does your car knock when in gear and not moving but stops when it moves?

Sounds like a loose motor mount.

Can you knock out a hobo with bagpipes?

Yes if you hit them hard enough with the right part.

How realistic is prison break?

depends if you can get enough Pseudo or not. The Biker crank method will yield more if you can find the right chemicals. If not, stick to the pseudo-ephedrine HCL that you and your buddies keep stealing from walgreens. The Feds are back-tracing you and the Cyber Police are on their way. Knock KNOCK KNOCK

What would be the Yiddish word for knock it off?

That would be Genug. It also means enough.

How long does clorophome knock you out?

Long enough to drag the person to your car and tie them up.

Why does your car knock on the left hand side?

If we are talking about while moving there is a serious problem with steering suspension or brakes.

What does the phrase don't knock it mean?

It means don't complain about something that works or is good enough.