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1.) For a strikeout, the catcher must actually hang on to the ball in his mitt. If he drops it, or never has it in the first place, the runner can run to first and the catcher must tag or throw him out. 2.) The ball isn't out of play if he catches it. Catch -> Out. That simple. Mr Know-it-all [GRIN]. (I don't answer enough of these darn things, heheheh.) Basically, Glenn, a player must have posession of the ball for an out to be recorded. On every play, the ball is caught by the defensive team (pop out, line out, tag). The same is true for a strike out. The catcher must have possession of the ball to record the out. In the case of a passed ball or wild pitch, he does not therefore, no out and the runner may attempt to advance to first. the ball is only out of play if you can't catch it or use it to make a play, therefore it is called out of play when fouled into the crowd/anywhere the player cant get to it. Not only can the batter advance to first base if the catcher does not catch the ball, he can attempt to advance if the third strike skips in the dirt and is CAUGHT by the catcher; the catcher must catch the third strike cleanly to record the strike-out. In regard to the foul ball/out-of-play ball, they are 2 different things; a foul ball is, in fact, in play and the out can be made if caught on the fly (and runners on base can tag up and advance at their own peril). An out-of-play ball is a not-playable ball. Out-of-play boundaries are agreed upon prior to the start of the game by the umpires and coaches of both teams.

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βˆ™ 18y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

This rule only takes effect if there is no runner on first or if there is 2 outs in the inning. It was thought that to award a clean out to the defensive team not only does the offensive team have to fail, but the defensive team has to be successful. And in dropping the third pitch the defensive team is not able to succeed and get a clean out thus the runner is then able to run to first base.

If the call is indeed a strike and the ball is dropped the pitcher is still awarded a strikeout but the out does not count on the score sheet unless the batter is tagged or thrown out.

The reason this can only be performed when no one is on first or there is 2 outs is that it prevents the defensive team from purposefully dropping the third pitch in order to turn a double or triple play on the other base runners.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

No. There are 3 outs. It makes no difference if the catcher catches or drops the ball. A hitter may attempt to take first base if he strikes out and the catcher drops the ball AND first base is not occupied. In this case, first base is already occupied the inning is over.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

No, If first base is open you are allowed to try to run to first on a missed 3rd strike but if it is occupied then you will immediately be called out unless there are two outs. If there are two outs the uncaught third strike rule does not apply.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

I am not sure why its there. you can have a swinging bunt and it won't be consider an "out" the the batter is out and i don't think anything happens with second base runner. he can i believe try to move up if he wants.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Yes, as long as the batter thrown out at first is not the third out of the inning.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The drop third strike rule only applies when there is no runner on first base. In this case nothing would happen but the batter would be out.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The batter can advance because the ball is still live, same as every runner on any base. The catcher must catch the ball directly from the pitcher to complete a strikeout.

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Q: When a runner is on 1st base and there are two strikes and 2 outs and the batter strikes out but the catcher drops the ball can the runner on 1st base run to 2nd base?
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Umpire calls a batter out and catcher drops the ball and batter advances to first is he safe or out at first?

If he is called out on strikes and the catcher drops the ball, the batter may try to run to first base. In order to be put out, the catcher must throw the ball and get him out at first before he gets to the base. If the runner beats the throw, then the runner is safe. The pitcher is given credit for a strikeout. The catcher is given an error. This is how pitchers can have 4 strikeouts in an inning, which happened in MLB this week.

Does runner run if catcher drops third strike?


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yes, unless there are 2 out...then the batter must beat the throw to first for the run to count...just as if he put the ball in play, no runs can score if the batter is put out before reaching 1st base for the final out of the inning

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the batter has a strike out but the catcher glove dropping is the same a the ball dropping and thebatter will run to first ... which the catcher will throw the ball to for the put out ... It is a strikeout, but the batter is not out until he is either tagged out by the catcher, or the ball is thrown to first for the put out, or the batter leaves the home plate area to return to the dugout.

Is runner out if he misses touching home plate and catcher drops ball and runner swats it away?

Yes, runner cannot intentionally dislodge ball from fielders glove.

If there’s two outs runner at third and the batter swings at strike three but the catcher misses the ball and goes to the back stop the runner at third comes to home but the catcher gets the out at first is the runner at third save or out?

When does it matter? A dropped third strike only matters when first base is unoccupied OR there are two outs. If there is a runner on first base and less than two outs, then a dropped third strike doesn't matter and the batter is out. What can the batter Do? Once a batter either looks at strike three or swings and misses at strike three and the ball is either not caught or dropped by the catcher, the batter becomes a runner and can attempt to make it to first base before either being tagged by the catcher or thrown out at first base. What if the pitch bounces? 99.99% of the time it is not a legal catch and the catcher (even if he fields the bounced pitch cleanly) must tag out the runner or throw him out at first base. Rule 6.05 specifies that a batter is out when a third strike is legally caught by the catcher and goes on to state that this must occur before the ball hits the ground. 0.01% of the time (and no these are not official calculations) the bounced pitch that is fielded by the catcher would be considered a legal catch. This can happen if the hitter swings and fouls off the pitch into the catcher's glove after the pitch has bounced. It is considered a legal catch at that point and the batter is out. What if the runner at first is stealing? If there are less than two outs, it doesn't matter. Even on an attempted steal, first base is considered occupied and the batter is out. What happens when there are two outs? When there are two outs the same rule applies with the addition that first base can be occupied. In this situation a force play can be created on other bases in addition to either tagging out the batter or throwing him out at first. Example: Bases loaded, two outs. Catcher drops the third strike. A force play has now been created at all bases as all runners must try to advance. Catcher can simply step on home plate for the force at home and third out. He doesn't have to make the out on the batter. What if a runner crosses the plate before the batter is thrown out at first or tagged? The run does not count. Example: Runner on third, two outs. Catcher drops the third strike, while he is picking it up and throwing to first, the runner from third crosses home plate. As long as the catcher throws out the runner at first, the run doesn't count. The force play at first is the same as if a ground ball was hit to another infielder. The run doesn't count.

A play at the plate catcher drops the ball on the base runner not the ground and put it back in their glove is it a catch or a dropped ball?

its a catch

How Can a baseball player run towards first base after he strikes out?

if the player strikes out and the catcher drops the ball, the player tries to beat the catcher's throw to first base. If he reaches first before being tagged or thrown out at first, he is awarded first base.

If there is a runner in first base and the batter strikes out swinging and the ball hits the ground pass the catcher is the batter automatically out?

a batter is OUT when a third strike is not caught by the catcher when 1st. base is OCCUPIED BEFORE (2) are out. RULE 6.05 (c)So in the case mentioned above the batter is out and the runners may advance at their own peril. The batter does not get an RBI.Rule 6.09 (b) states that the batter becomes a RUNNER when the third strike called by the umpire is not caught providing (1) first base is UNOCCUPIED,or (2) first base is OCCUPIED WITH TWO OUTS. In the case above the catcher after retrieving the ball could try to throw to first to get the batter runner out or he could tag home before the runner from third touches the plate for a force out. If the both runners are safe I'm not sure if the batter runner would get an RBI. I would guess he doesnt---sort of like no rbi if the batter hits into a double play and a run scores during that play.AnswerRule 10.04(a) Credit the batter with a run batted in for every run which reaches home base because of the batters safe hit,sacrifice bunt, sacrifice fly, infield out of fielders choice: or which is forced over the plate by reason of the batter becoming a runner with the bases full (on a base on balls, or an award of first base for being touched by a pitched ball, or for INTERFERENCE or obstrction. The batter is automatically out and the runners may advance at their own risk. The uncaught third strike rule only applies when there are two outs or when there are less than two outs and there is no runner on first base. In either case, the batter would never be given an RBI for a run scored via the uncaught third strike rule. The batter would be charged with a strikeout in all cases.

How would you score this if the batter hits a ball the drops in center field but the runner at first is thrown out at second?

If the runner at second is out by being forced out, the batter is not given a base hit .... the play is ruled the same as if the ball was hit to an infielder that threw to second to force the runner. If the runner at second is out by being tagged because they rounded the base too far, the batter is given a base hit.

If there is a runner on third and two outs and the catcher drops the third strike throws down to 1st and a tag is applied to the runner after the other runner has crossed the plate does the run cou?

Yes, the run counts. A dropped 3rd strike with 2 outs is not an automatic out and all base runners are allowed to advance, including the batter that just became a runner. If the throw down to 1st is not a tag but a force out then the run would not count. However, since it is a tag, the play becomes a timing play. If the run on 3rd touches home plate prior to the tag on the batter runner then the run will count.

What happens if the pitcher drops the ball while in contact with the runner?

If the pitcher is in contact with the runner, the runner is safe if the pitcher drops the ball. If the pitcher is in contact with the rubber, it is a balk if he drops the ball.