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Q: When a punter kicks a football is he doing work on the ball while his toe is in contact with it?
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If one pro football team roughs the punter after he kicks does the punter's team get the ball for a 1st and 10?

Yes. There are two penalties that can be called in a situation where a punter gets hit after punting the ball. One is a 'running into the punter' penalty which is five yards and not an automatic first down. The other is 'roughing the punter' which is fifteen yards and an automatic first down. The referee makes the decision whether the penalty is running into or roughing. Generally, roughing the punter is called when the punter's kicking leg is still in the air when heavy contact is made. If both the punter's feet are on the ground when contact is made or the contact is very slight, running into the punter is called. If the defensive player makes contact with the punter because of being blocked by an offensive player, no penalty is called.

What happens when a punter kicks the ball into one of his own players helmet?

The guy gets a headache!

Who kicks the football in football?

The ball must be kicked after each score and to start each half (and overtime). PATs (point after touchdown) are mandatory if no 2-point conversion rule is in place. All other kicks are optional.The football may be punted on any play. A punt before fourth down is usually attempted as a quick kick. (Punts and quick kicks must be from behind the line of scrimmage.) Field goals also may be attempted on any down. PATs may be attempted immediately after a touchdown. A fair catch kick for 3 points may be attempted after a fair catch.Other than that, you are not allowed to kick the ball.

Who kicks farther a soccer player or football kicker?

Well, it could probably go either way. A football player who kicks a football, spends all of his time doing that, and is working out his legs muscles, while a soccer player spends every game kicking the ball, so it could go either way.

What is the football term for the kicker?

The placekicker is responsible for kicking field goals and extra points. In many cases, the placekicker also serves as the team's kickoff specialist and sometimes punter

What does handoff mean in football?

It's when a football team kicks to the other team

What is the Differences between NRL and Touch Football?

NRL is tackle football, there are kicks in play (start of field) and there are converisons. Touch football requires you to touch a player, no kicks during plays and no converisons.

Who scored the second most free kicks in football?

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What position in football returns kicks?

Kick Returner

What football team does rizzle kicks support?


Who has scored most free kicks in club football?


What do you put a football on when you punt it?

Nothing you hike it back yo the kicker and he kicks it like a golly kicks when he gets the ball.