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well first it would be out and its like when Derek Jeter jumped into the stands to catch a fly ball the play would be over. so yes it would be a dead ball

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Yes, it would be a catch, provided the ball did not touch the ground at any time during the act of catching the ball.

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Q: When a player catches a pop-up and falls and has the ball in his hand when he hits the ground is it a catch?
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If a fielder catches a fly ball and falls over the center field fence is it an out or a home run?

If the player holds on to the ball and it is determined that it did not touch the ground, it is an out. If the player drops the ball while falling over the fence, it is a home run. Added: To get more technical, I think as long as the fielder has his feet inside the area of the field of play, it would be an out. If the entire body (including feet) are over the fence when the catch is made, then it would be a home run. The above answer is wrong. If a fielder leaps and catches the ball before he touches dead ball territory the catch is good and the batter is out. It doesn't matter where he is in relation to the fence. He could be ten feet into dead ball territory and as long as he hasn't touched the ground, the catch is valid.

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It depends on the level of play. In Highschool: Yes as long as he had possession and 1 foot in bounds, it's a catch. In NCAA and NFL: There is a concept of the 'process of the catch', which basically means that if a player catches a ball and lands inbounds and immediately goes out of bounds (without making some sort of football action), then he must maintain possession of the ball through the whole process of the catch (which includes landing on the ground and even movement on the ground for a few seconds). If you really want to see how difficult this 'process of the catch' is, consider the following scenarios: An offensive player (Team "A") catches the ball mid-air. A defensive player (Team "B") hits the player while he is still in the air air. The Team A player lands on the ground (two feet), then falls and hits his knees on the ground and while landing on his back, and still struggling with the Team B player: 1.) Team B player pops the ball out of the hands of the Team A player, and the ball hits the ground. 2.) Team B player rips the ball out of the hands of the Team A player, and gains possession a split second before both their backs are on the ground. What do you think will happen? 1.) Although the moment the Team "A" player's knees are on the ground, giving him possession of the ball, he doesn't "complete the process of the catch", so it is an incomplete pass. 2.) Because the 'process of the catch' is complete, the ball is dead where it is... HOWEVER, since the Team A player had possession when his knees hit the ground, he retains possession. So the 'process of the catch' seems a bit weird and may end up changing. In my scenario, it is better for a defender to knock a ball loose instead of taking possession himself, which is backwards to all other types of play. So this question is a good one, but is a lot deeper than most people realize. (For the record, I'm an NCAA deep wing official that verified the ruling above with multiple Division-2 & Division-1 NCAA officials, and an NFL official).

What happens if you try to catch a white rose but falls?

It presumably hits the ground, because that's how gravity works.

What if a fielder catches a ball but loses his glove and the ball stays in the glove?

If the glove or mitt falls off in the process of catching the ball, it is not a legal catch. The fielder must have control of the ball in the glove and then remove it himself.

Is a player considered down if he catches a pass falls gets up and keeps going?

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sorry no

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