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Q: When a football team buys a player who does the money go to?
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Related questions

Where can one find football player pics?

One can find football player pictures on the team website of what ever team is of interest to whom ever is searching. One can also find photos of football players if one goes to a game and buys a program.

Which player earn more salary anualy totally?

In Indian cricket team dhoni and tendulkkar getting more money than football players anually. Dhoni is raice between cricket and football money player. Cris-ronaldo second position money player.

What actors and actresses appeared in Epic Flag Football - 2012?

The cast of Epic Flag Football - 2012 includes: Jeremy Driver as Football Player - Team Black Aaron Geiger as Football Player - Team White Jenna Hale as Pregnant Quarterback Mary Vaughan as Football Player - Team White Benjamin Walter Jones as Referee Brandon Westbrook as Football Player - Team White Austin Wiseman as Football Player - Team White Henry Xavier Smith as Football Player - Team Black

How many player on each football teaM?

on a regular football team, there are 11

How much money does a professional football player make a year?

it depends on how good they are and what position they play and how important they are to the team

What college do you have to go if you want to be a football player?

Any that have a football team.

Football that starts with a f?

Free Kick – A set-piece given after a foul. Formation – Tactical alignment of players on the pitch (e.g., 4-4-2, 3-5-2). Fair Play – A principle promoting sportsmanship and respect in football. Full-Back – A defensive position on the flanks of the defense. Forward – An attacking player tasked with scoring goals.

How much will your team earn money if they are a bad football team?

Not a lot but they should get money for playing the game.

Which sport has 18 players in a team?

Football has 18 player in a team.

Is Brazil the best player of the world?

Brazil is a football team but is considered to be the best football team of all time.

Why is a goalkeeper so important in football?

goal keeper is considered as the important player in a football team. he is the only player who can use hand. he is the guardian of the team and a saver. that's why goalkeepers are important in football.

Who is the best football player in Chile?

the best player from the football team Chile is Wayne Rooney