120 yds
It is believed to be 116 yards.
120 yards
120 yards3650 feet
100 yards
120 yards (including two 10 yard end zones)
From goal post to goal post, it is 120 yards. The endzones are 10 yards long each, in addition the the 100 yards of the playing field.
120 yards. It's 100 yards from goal line to goal line and then each end zone is ten yards deep for a total length of 120 yards
3 points for a field goal in American Football
120 yards. 100 yards of regulation field, and on each side, 10 yards of an End Zone.
The football, after being kicked by the place kicker, must travel over the crossbar and between the two uprights of the goal post. It can hit one of these bars, but it must then bounce in such a way that it still goes over the crossbar and between the uprights. There is no limit on how high the football can go. The "uprights", though they have a finite physical length, are considered, for the purposes of the game, to extend upward infinitely.
100 yards.