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Q: What year were goalpost moved to back of end zone?
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Related questions

Does lobelia come back every year in zone 6?

Yes, lobelia is a perennial plant that can come back every year in Zone 6 as long as it is provided with the appropriate growing conditions and care. It may die back in the winter but should regrow in the following spring.

How would you set your clocks if you moved from the central time zone to eastern time zone?

Ahead one hour

Will Garden Huckleberries come back every year in Zone 7?

The huckleberry is an tender perennial evergreen shrub that will come back every year in the southern zones. This is not the same plant known as the garden huckleberry, which is an annual and will not come back every year.

How far from the line of scrimmage does the punter stand?

10 or 15 Generally speaking the punter has his heels at 14 yards behind the line of scrimmage. If the ball is within 5 yards of the goal line, or in football vernacular you are kicking from the shadow of your own goalpost, the punter will have his heel as close to the back of the end zone as he is comfortable with.

What is the furthest back time zone in the world?

The furthest back time zone in the world is UTC-12, also known as the Baker Island time zone.

How long is the length of the field from the back of the one end zone to the back of the other end zone?

120 yards.

Where is area 3 in emerald's safari zone?

it is at the very back of the zone

What country did the band o zone come from?

O-zone started their band in Moldova. They later moved to Romania and gained world wide popularity.

What country did the band o-zone come from?

O-zone started their band in Moldova. They later moved to Romania and gained world wide popularity.

How many zones on a volleyball court?

zone 1 Serving position zone 2 setting position zone 3 middle front zone 4 left front zone 5 left back zone 6 middle back zone 1 Serving position zone 2 setting position zone 3 middle front zone 4 left front zone 5 left back zone 6 middle back

What do you call the zone where a lithospheric plates slides back into the earth?

It is called a subduction zone.

On Pokemon FireRed where do you get surf?

You get it in the very back of the safari zone where the fan club is