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Q: What year was the spitball banned from baseball?
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What is a spitball?

A spitball is a pitch were you spit on the ball and make it so it slips out of your hand, which increases the speed of the pitch. Fortunatley, this act is illegal in Major League Baseball.A ball on which the pitcher has spit upon, or otherwise intentially applied any substance.

How has baseball changed?

One way baseball has changed is that they use to not let black people play now they do. Another way it that they have outlawed the spitball a type of pitch

Why do they use a new ball after one gets dirty in baseball?

If they play with a ball that is too dirty it creates spitball effect and spitballs are banned. They don't want anything affecting the ball. however the balls they use as replacements aren't exactcly new. Every baseball used in the MLB, is soaked in special mud over night. Brand new baseballs have no break on them.

Who banned Joe Jackson from baseball?

George Knox banned joe Jackson from baseball NO. "Shoeless" Joe Jackson was banned from baseball by the first Commissioner of Baseball, Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis.

What year was Joseph Jefferson Jackson banned from playing baseball?

Joseph Jefferson Jackson known for his nickname of "Shoeless Joe Jackson" was banned in the year of 1921 as a result of his alleged involvement in the 1919 Black Sox Scandal.

When were spitballs outlawed?

The spitball was outlawed in 1920.

What actors and actresses appeared in Spitball - 2013?

The cast of Spitball - 2013 includes: Melanie Anastas Connor Delves Brenn Hislop Jordan Retzlaff

What actors and actresses appeared in The Spitball Story - 1997?

The cast of The Spitball Story - 1997 includes: Dizzy Gillespie as himself Milt Hinton as himself

How many White Sox players were banned from baseball?

8 White Sox players were banned from baseball.

What is compound word for ball?

ballgown ballpoint ballroom baseball basketball blackball dirtball fuzzball hairball handball highball meatball paintball snowball spitball

Why was the spitball consideed dangerous?

because you could choke on it