The 3 point shot was added to college ball in 1987, I believe. At 19'9" it is shorter than the International version and the NBA version at 23'9"
The two point shot has always existed in basketball.
A Three point shot
The three point shot has provided more intense situations towards the end of games and a higher scoring average for the 24 second shot clock era.
Dalton lairsey shot 659 three pointers in a college season
Yes, there is a 3-point shot in NCAA basketball.
a college basketball foul shot/line is always 15ft fron the center of the hoop
Michigan State is 1409/1409 100%
The 3-point shot wasn't introduced into college basketball until 1986.
A foul shot equals one point.
three point shot free throwinfield shot
they did it so that college and nba players would start shooting farther shots and to help improve their shot