Randy Moss's first year in the NFL was 1998
Randy Moss's first year in the NFL was 1998
According to the Patriots bio page, Randy Moss studied Business Administration while at Marshall.
Randy Moss was born on February 13, 1977
A year
He was the Offensive rockie of the year.
august 1967
tom brady and randy moss because terrell Owens had his best year 2007 15 tds, but randy moss the real 81# had 23tds in 2007 that beat jerry rice's tds record at 22tds tom brady tha year had his best year for tds with 50 but i don't now romos td record
Randy Moss did not play for the Redskins. He played for Minnesota Vikings (1998-2004), Oakland Raiders (2005-2006) and New England Patriots (2007-present).
a little more than eight million.