Pistol Pete, the Cowboy's mascot, was first introduced in 1958. His horse Bullet was introduced in 1984.
The Sooner Schooner became the official mascot for The University of Oklahoma in 1980.
this year, Oklahoma state.
ummm. yeah... here are some examples. Bowling Green State University Falcons---> Atlanta Falcons. Oklahoma State Cowboys--->Dallas Cowboys. Colorado State Rams---> St. Louis Rams. I could go on, but absolutely you can have the same mascot for NCAA and NFl.
Carl Albert State CollegeConnors State CollegeEastern Oklahoma State CollegeMurray State CollegeNortheastern Oklahoma A&M CollegeNorthern Oklahoma CollegeOklahoma City Community CollegeOklahoma State University System (2-year campuses)Institute of TechnologyOklahoma CityRedlands Community CollegeRose State CollegeSeminole State CollegeSouthwestern Oklahoma State University-Sayre (2-year campus)Tulsa Community CollegeWestern Oklahoma State College
The University of Florida's Mascot is the Gator and Florida State's mascot is the Seminole... the state of Florida, i have no idea.
The 2015 FCCLA Oklahoma State Convention will be held in both Sheraton, OK at the Sheraton Suites Hotel in Sheraton, Oklahoma, as well as the Hilton Garden Hotel at the Oklahoma City, OK International Airport next year. In order to attend the FCCLA Oklahoma State Convention next Year 2015 in Sheraton or Oklahoma City, OK please check out OKCareerTech.org.
Benny the Bengal is the mascot for Idaho State University.
The Ohio State University mascot is Brutus Buckeye.
Penn's mascot is a Quaker. Click on the "Penn Mascot" link below to see a picture.