Yes, it is called Beware The Batman and will start sometime in the year 2013 on Cartoon Network.
Batman Forever was released in 1995
Start with "Detective Comics (vol. 1)", just get as many you can. Then "Batman (vol. 1)", also as many as you can. Then "the Outsiders", "The Brave and the Bold (NOT Batman: The Brave and the Bold)".
There is a Batman Beyond suit, a 1970's Batman, Batman Inc., Year one Batman, Earth One Batman, Batman The animated series (TAS), Sinestro Corps Batman, And The Dark Knight Returns Batman
The first Batman movie with Adam West was released in 1966 and there was another Batman film with Jack Nicholson in 1989 .
Every day, because Batman has always been here, since the dawn of time.
Batman's first appearance was in Detective Comics #27, printed in May of 1939.
Batman- as a comic book character, began in 1939. The first Batman movie was 1989.
bane revealed who he is and if you seen the dark night you would know why he is in prison for that
for the current arc that runs all the way to Batman Inc its Batman 655, which starts the Batman and Son arc and continues on his years long Batman story. It skips around from there, but that's your starting point. Also he did work on Batman a couple times prior to this, Batman: Gothic and Arkham Asylum.
Joe Chill, the murderer of Bruce Wayne's parents, is arguably the first Batman villain. However, the Joker was introduced in 1940 (a year after Batman's introduction to the public) as Batman's first nemesis. He is not considered Batman's arch-nemesis.