

What year Jordan get independence?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: What year Jordan get independence?
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What year did Jordan gain independence?

in the year 1946

What year did Jordan gains its independence?

The British Mandate of Transjordan became independent as the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on 17 June 1946.

Independence Day and date of Jordan?

May 25, 1946 was the independence day of Jordan

When is Jordan's Independence Day?

May 25, 1946 - Jordan

When is Independence Day in Jordan?

May 25, 1946 - Jordan

When Jordan got independence?

In 1948

What is some Independence facts about the Middle East country JORDAN?

In 1950 Jordan was renamed from the Independent Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the Hashemite kIngdom of Jordan

Was Jordan a colony of another country?

Jordan was lastly occupied by England until it gained its independence in 1946

What year was Independence Day introuduced?

Independence Day was introduced in the year 1776.

What are Jordan's celebrations?

Jordan celebrates New Years Day, Orthodox Easter, Isra and Mi'raj, Labor Day, Independence Day, Eid al-Fitr, Arafat Day, Eid al Adha, Hijri New Year, the birthday of Muhammed, and Christmas.

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Paraguay Declared independence in the year of 1811.

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The year Independence Day was on is 1776.