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Q: What year 60 plate made?
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The year the pitching mound was introduced and the pitching distance was moved to 60 feet, 6 inches was 1893.

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In order to answer this question, we would need to know who made the plate, what is on it, and what year it was made.

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Your serial number indicates that your model 60 was made in the year 1979.

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Your serial number indicates that your Marlin model 60 was made in the year 1985.

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With the serial number that you supplied,your Glenfield model 60 rifle was made in the year 1978.

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Your Marlin model 60 semi-auto .22cal rifle was made in the year 1992.

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With the serial number that you have provided,your Glenfield model 60 rifle was made in the year 1976.

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Your serial number indicates that your model 60 rifle was made in the year 1976.

What is value of Norman rockwell dreaming in the attic plate No 20535AA first issue?

Well the closer to 1 the higher. What year was it made? I got one 19811 made in the mid 1900s that I got for $20. I would say the value of your plate (if it wasn't made recently) is at least $30. The plates value can go from $20-$60. On Amazon they go for $50 but they look like they were recently made.

How far is the pitching mound from home plate in pony thirteen year olds?

60 ft. 6 in. MLB length