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just rubbish nothing special.

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Q: What would you find in Kobe Bryant trash can this is for a school project?
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What is a good title for a project about earth?

A good name for an Earth project depends on what project you are doing. If you're doing one about picking up trash in your community, then a good name would be Project GO GREEN.

Where can i print who am i school project pages?

you can print them wherever you would like(:

Science project is superhero and the element is gold what would be his abilities?

The super hero thats element is gold would be Chromium. XD I would know cause its for a school project.

What would be a good school project based on Puerto Rico?

Xbox rules

What do you think would be the top science project for 2013?

One of the best school projects that your nephew can work on with a school science project is the solar system, volcano, earthquake and their are many others.

Who would be a good inspirational leader for a school project or speech?

Martin Luther King, Jr. would be a good inspirational leader for a school project or speech. Some other examples include Mahatma Gandhi, and Mother Teresa.

How would I hook up a battery operated device to electricity for school project?

Plug it into a school/ classroom wall outlet.

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I dont have a clue :(

What is a good material to build a school project with?

anything educational would probably word

Do you need a microscope camera to complete a high school science project?

Whether or not a microscope would be needed to complete a high school science project would depend on the chapter the class is working on. The school (if public) is not allowed to say that a student needs to have access to a microscope outside of the classroom.

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Please tell me fast. This is a school project and I need it while i'm in school during this hour

Is a project on the illegalization of cannabis appropriate?

The illegalization of cannabis is interesting and would be an appropriate project in my opinion, but everyone might not agree. It would be best to ask your teacher if this is a school project. Another suggestion is the history of hemp, which is related to cannabis.